Dry Eye FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a serious eye disorder which should not be ignored. The symptoms of dry eyes are often overlooked as simply an inconvenience, when in reality, they can lead to serious eye complications. At Nevelow Eye Associates, serving San Antonio, TX, we are here to help you get relief from your dry eyes.


What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is an eye condition which can cause stinging, burning, pain, and redness in a person’s eyes. It is important to note that if you have a sudden decrease in your ability to see, you should contact your optometry office right away.

Sometimes, common activities cause eye strain that causes these symptoms. Activities such as reading or working extensively on a computer can cause eye strain. Other things, such as spending extended amounts of time in a dry environment, can also have a negative effect on your eyes and their ability to create adequate amounts of moisture. If you chronically experience dry eyes under these conditions, you may have Dry Eye Syndrome.

Other problems associated with Dry Eye Syndrome can include frequent bacterial Infections in your eyes. If left untreated, this condition can cause permanent scaring on the cornea of the eye which can ultimately result in vision loss. This can be diagnosed through an optometry test.

What Causes Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry Eye Syndrome is often caused by a dysfunction of the tear ducts. If the tear ducts fail to create any of the three parts of the tears, the oily layer, watery layer, or mucus layer, it can result in inadequate moisture in your eyes. When there is inadequate moisture in the eyes, the tissue of the eye will become inflamed.

Some common reasons why a person’s tear ducts may malfunction can include hormone replacement therapy, over exposure to wind or dry air, LASIK eye surgery, medications, and even aging.

Who Is at Risk for Dry Eye Syndrome?

Older people are more at risk for this condition. Women who are pregnant or going through menopause are also more at risk.

Treatment Options

One of the most common treatments for this condition is the introduction of artificial tears. Eye drops which can increase the moisture in your eyes is often a great way to treat this problem. In extreme cases your doctor may suggest punctal plugs. These can block the drainage holes in your eyes, preventing moisture from escaping. There are also medications which can help with this condition.

If you would like to learn more about treating dry eyes, please contact our friendly staff today at Nevelow Eye Associates serving San Antonio, TX. (210)-349-2437.

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