Eye Allergies

Eye Allergies: an Overview of Symptoms and Treatment

Your eyes are very sensitive and can be affected by allergies just like the rest of your body. Nevelow Eye Associates can help residents of San Antonio in the diagnosis and management of eye allergies and provide the best in optometry services and care. 

Eye allergies typically cause inflammation of the eye membrane, also known as the conjunctiva. This is caused by the same irritants that cause other types of allergic reactions. Eye allergies are often associated with other allergy symptoms such as congestion, sneezing, and coughing.  


Symptoms of Eye Allergies

The symptoms of eye allergies, while not permanently harmful, are distracting and an inconvenience to everyday activities. These symptoms can include light sensitivity, itchiness, eyelid swelling, redness, and watery eyes. These symptoms occur due to existing allergies and are often associated with respiratory allergic reactions. In general, if you suffer from seasonal allergies (such as an allergy to pollen) reactions tend to be more pronounced than if you have allergic reactions to indoor allergens such as pet dander or dust. No matter what the cause, proper medical care, diagnosis, and professional diagnosis can help reduce symptoms of eye allergies and help you to further manage your condition.    

Treatment and Care

There are many different steps you can take that can reduce the impact eye allergies have on your daily life. For those suffering from indoor allergies, regular dusting and use of HEPA air filters can reduce exposure to irritants such as pet dander or dust mites. Outdoor and seasonal based allergies can be reduced in their impact by protecting your eyes by wearing sunglasses, using eye drops to clean your eyes, and wearing hats to protect your eyes from air-blown irritants. Over the counter antihistamine treatment can be an effective short term solution, but can cause a negative reaction in some people if overused or used for a long period of time.

Some eye allergies, however, are far more severe and long-lasting in their symptoms and require professional treatment and doctor consultation. In situations such as this, prescribed treatments may be required to combat symptoms. 

Finding the Best Eye Allergy Treatments in San Antonio 

At Nevelow Eye Associates we truly care about the health and wellbeing of all of our patients. If you're in need of assistance for your eye allergies or optometry care in the San Antonio area, we can help. Contact us today for information and the professional care you deserve. Our number is 210-349-2437.

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